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Four elements needed for real energy-saving system doors and windows
  1、 Design and selection of profiles
First of all, different material profiles have different performance, mainly because different heat conductivity determines the energy consumption of doors and windows. When you choose a material, it is very important to design the profile section. Take aluminum alloy profiles for example: there are still most areas in the selection of profiles only consider the cost, not pay attention to the performance.
In terms of energy saving, ordinary aluminum alloy profiles are still used. Due to the very large thermal conductivity and fast heat conduction of aluminum alloy profiles, it is particularly obvious in the cold areas in the north. In winter, indoor frost, dew, ice, water and other phenomena appear. In the south, this phenomenon is just invisible to the naked eye, but it consumes a lot of energy for air conditioning.
Of course, whether the improvement of profile can achieve the energy-saving effect on the whole window is also related to the selection of window type opening form. For example, the energy-saving effect of aluminum alloy profile with heat insulation and Bridge breaking is more obvious for doors and windows with flat opening.
For sliding doors and windows, the use of thermal insulation bridge cutoff aluminum profile can only be said to be isolated. Because of the structural form of sliding doors and windows, when it is closed, the two sashes are not in the same plane, and there is no sealing pressure between and around the two sashes, but only rely on the overlapping of the wool strips, and there is a gap between the wool strips, forming a convection phenomenon.
We have done the analysis of heat transfer coefficient and heat consumption ratio of each component of the basic building in Beijing. One of the contents is that the energy consumption of air infiltration accounts for 23.2% of the total energy consumption. The energy consumption of air infiltration is mainly lost through the gap between the doors and windows. It can be imagined that if the push-pull doors and windows are used, the energy consumption of air infiltration will be more serious, so even if the push-pull doors and windows are used Thermal insulation bridge cutoff aluminum profile does not belong to energy-saving doors and windows. Due to the limitation of push-pull window structure, it is meaningless to use thermal insulation bridge cutoff aluminum profile.
2、 Door and window hardware
We once said, "hardware is the heart of doors and windows, not the supporting role." A person's limbs are more developed, and his appearance is more beautiful. If his heart is not good, he is a useless person?
The same is true for doors and windows. The role of hardware accessories in energy-saving doors and windows is not only closely related to the air tightness, water tightness and wind pressure resistance of doors and windows, but also plays a very important role in safety and other performance. Hardware fittings of energy-saving doors and windows shall consider the following aspects:
a) The choice of the material of hardware accessories the choice of hardware accessories with good material is the basic guarantee of good quality and energy-saving doors and windows. Hardware fittings with poor material are easy to age and break.
In this way, the doors and windows can not be opened flexibly or can not be opened or closed, which can not guarantee the air tightness and energy saving of the building doors and windows, but also bring harm to people's life safety. Therefore, when choosing hardware accessories, we must choose brand products with quality assurance. We should not be greedy for low price and lose big with small.
b) The reasonable configuration and design of hardware accessories for doors and windows of energy-saving system. The multi-point locking system with good locking should be selected to ensure that the door is in the role of wind pressure, the deformation of the fan and the frame is synchronous, and the reasonable cooperation of sealing materials is effectively guaranteed, so that the sealing strip can keep good sealing performance under the strong state of pressure at any time, but not cheap Simple single point lock hardware configuration, because of single point lock hardware configuration, when doors and windows are subject to positive wind pressure, or negative wind pressure, doors and windows will be deformed in the position where there is no locking point.
After the deformation, it can not be restored to the original position, resulting in the gap between the fan and the frame, making the hot and cold air circulate through the gap between the doors and windows, forming convection, which can not make the doors and windows achieve energy saving. The reasonable design of hardware accessories is very important. Without the correct design, the heat insulation and Bridge breaking aluminum profile will lose the role of bridge breaking, and the internal and external connection will form heat conduction.
3、 Choice of glass
Building doors and windows use glass. In our country, it has a long history and mature technology. According to different energy-saving indicators in different regions, different performance glass can be selected to meet the energy-saving requirements. We know that the loss of energy is mainly caused by convection, conduction and radiation. And glass is mainly heat radiation energy loss, so when we choose building windows and doors glass, to ensure the overall energy saving of the building, we must choose glass reasonably.
Taking the southern region as an example, the southern region belongs to the hot summer and warm winter region, with a long high temperature cycle. In terms of glass selection, we can't choose transparent glass with good lighting performance as in the cold region, but we should choose the one with low heat reflection, such as heat reflection coated hollow glass and Low-E hollow glass.
In response to the needs of different buildings, choose the glass with corresponding heat transfer coefficient and sun shading coefficient.
4、 Correct assembly
The first few points are the requirements for several groups of components of doors and windows, but it is very important to select the components reasonably, and the correct combination of multiple components into a system is the perfect energy-saving system of doors and windows, so when we choose the door and window assembly plant, it is also very important to select a strong and experienced door and window assembly plant.